4 Day Program for Explosive Strength

This is an advanced strength and hypertrophy program developed for high-level athletes and bodybuilders looking to improve functional (sport) strength and increase muscle hypertrophy (size). This program combines a high number of sets with a low number of explosive reps and heavy eccentric movements, this will train and increase athletic power, strength, and full body explosiveness.

Explosive Compound Exercise

The first exercise in each workout is an explosive compound exercise which is meant to recruit as many muscle fibres as possible in the muscle group being worked. This allows for improved activation of the muscle groups and nervous system for the duration of the workout.

Perform the explosive compound exercise in an explosive manner with a (0-2-0-1) tempo. (rest at top of movement - eccentric/ "down phase" - rest at bottom of movement - concentric movement/ "up phase")

Supplemental Heavy Eccentric Exercise

The second exercise in each workout (supplemental heavy eccentric) is meant to maximize muscle fibre activation and place a heavy eccentric load on the muscles to cause maximum microtearing. The microtearing that occurs during weightlifting is what causes the soreness that results usually 24-48 hours post workout and ultimately leads to muscle growth and increase in individual muscle growth.

Perform the supplementary heavy eccentric exercise in a slow and controlled manner with a (1-5-0-1) tempo. (rest at top of movement - eccentric/ "down phase" - rest at bottom of movement - concentric movement/ "up phase")

Superset 1

The first Superset in each workout is an agonist/antagonist (focus muscle group and opposing muscle group) superset that focuses on the secondary muscle group that is being worked. For instance, on chest concentration day, the triceps would be the secondary muscle group being worked, on back concentration day the biceps are secondary. This superset is designed to increase strength and athletic stamina while working the concentration group.

Superset 2

The second superset in each workout is a core/full body/supplementary muscle group superset. This superset contains a core exercise and an exercise that is either isolating a secondary muscle group for that workout or a full body exercise that involves the concentration muscle group. The point of this superset is to exhaust the body with higher reps and utilise as much remaining muscle and liver glycogen as possible.



Day 1 – Upper Body (Chest Focus)

Explosive Compound 5x5 Exercise

Pick one explosive compound exercise and perform 5 sets of 5 reps (Tempo is eccentric (down) – 2 sec, concentric (up) – 1 sec) (0-2-0-1)

  • Flat Barbell Bench Press
  • Barbell Push Press

Supplemental Heavy Eccentric Exercise

Pick one supplemental heavy eccentric exercise and perform 5 sets of 5 reps at 45-65% MAX (Tempo is eccentric (down) – 5 sec, concentric (up) – 1 sec) (1-5-0-1)

  • Flat Dumbbell Chest Press
  • Incline Dumbbell Chest Press / Incline Barbell Bench Press

Opposing Muscle Group Superset 1 - Superset one exercise from A and one from B

A) Pick one of the pull-focused exercise and perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps

  • Neutral-Grip Chin Ups
  • Bent Over Single-Arm Dumbbell Rows

B) Pick one of the push-focused exercise and perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps 

  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  • Neutral-Grip Dumbbell Chest Press

Opposing Muscle Group Superset 2 - Superset one exercise from A and one from B

A) Pick one secondary muscle group exercise and perform 3 sets of 20 reps

  • Cable Tricep Extensions
  • Close-Grip Pushups

B) Pick one core exercise and perform 3 sets of _________(see below)

  • Plank (3 reps maximum hold time)
  • Push-up Plank Hold with Leg Extension (15 leg extensions each side)

Day 2 – Lower Body (Push Focused)

Explosive Compound 5x5 Exercise

Pick one explosive compound exercise and perform 5 sets of 5 reps (Tempo is eccentric (down) – 2 sec, concentric (up) – 1 sec) (0-2-0-1)

  • Front Loaded Barbell Squat
  • Olympic Clean and Jerk

Supplemental Heavy Eccentric Exercise

Pick one supplemental heavy eccentric exercise and perform 5 sets of 5 reps at 45-65% MAX (Tempo is eccentric (down) – 5 sec, concentric (up) – 1 sec) (1-5-0-1)

  • Dumbbell Split Squats
  • Back Loaded Squat

Opposing Muscle Group Superset 1 - Superset one exercise from A and one from B

A) Pick one hamstrings-focused exercise and perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps 

  • Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts
  • Lying Hamstring Curls

B) Pick one quad and glute-focused exercise and perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps

  • Leg Press
  • Dumbbell Split Squats

Opposing Muscle Group Superset 2 - Superset one exercise from A and one from B

A) Pick one multi-joint exercise and perform 3 sets of 20 reps

  • Kettle Bell Swings
  • Drop Squats with 2 second hold

B) Pick one core exercise and perform 3 sets of _________ (see below)

  • Hanging Leg Raises (20 reps - slow eccentric)
  • Side Planks (3 reps each side - max hold time)

Day 3 – Upper Body (Back Focused)

Explosive Compound 5x5 Exercise

Pick one explosive compound exercise and perform 5 sets of 5 reps (Tempo is eccentric (down) – 2 sec, concentric (up) – 1 sec) (0-2-0-1)

  • Bent Over Barbell Rows (Overhand grip)
  • Single Arm Dumbbell Rows

Supplemental Heavy Eccentric Exercise

Pick one supplemental heavy eccentric exercise and perform 5 sets of 5 reps at 45-65% MAX (Tempo is eccentric (down) – 5 sec, concentric (up) – 1 sec) (1-5-0-1)

  • Pull Ups (wide grip)
  • Bent Over Barbell Rows (Underhand grip)

Opposing Muscle Group Superset 1 - Superset one exercise from A and one from B

A) Pick one push-focused exercise and perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps

  • Single Arm Dumbbell Chest Press
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raises

B) Pick pull-focused exercise and perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps 

  • Neutral grip pull-downs 
  • Vertical High Rows (With cable and rope)

Opposing Muscle Group Superset 2 - Superset one exercise from A and one from B

Pick one secondary muscle group exercise and perform 3 sets of 20 reps

  • Dumbbell Curl and Press
  • Standing "W" Bicep Curls (elbows tucked in at side)

Pick one core exercise and perform 3 sets of _________ (see below)

  • Single Leg Glute Bridge (5 reps each leg hold 10 seconds)
  • Bird Dog (5 reps each side hold 10 seconds)

Day 4 – Lower Body (Pull Focused)

Explosive Compound 5x5 Exercise

Pick one explosive compound exercise and perform 5 sets of 5 reps (Tempo is eccentric (down) – 2 sec, concentric (up) – 1 sec) (0-2-0-1)

  • Barbell Deadlift
  • Power Snatch Pull

Supplemental Heavy Eccentric Exercise

Pick one supplemental heavy eccentric exercise and perform 5 sets of 5 reps at 45-65% MAX (Tempo is eccentric (down) – 5 sec, concentric (up) – 1 sec) (1-5-0-1)

  • Forward Box Step Up Eccentrics
  • Leg Press

Opposing Muscle Group Superset 1 - Superset one exercise from A and one from B

A) Pick one anterior-focused exercise and perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps 

  • Single Leg Squats
  • Leg Extensions

B) Pick one dynamic, athletic exercise and perform 4 sets of 8-10 reps

  • Walking Lunges (double reps)
  • Squat Jumps

Opposing Muscle Group Superset 2 - Superset one exercise from A and one from B

A) Pick one multi-joint exercise and perform 3 sets of 20 reps

  • Lateral band walks 
  • Weighted Hip Thrusts

B) Pick one core exercise and perform 3 sets of _________ (see below)

  • Stability Ball Planks with circular arm movements (15 circles each direction)
  • Pallof Press (20 controlled reps each side)


To Maximize your Results in muscle growth and performance, supplement with the DYNAMIS Gains & Glory Stack pre and post-workout

